Sunday, November 28, 2010

How Many Calories In A Barbecue Sandwich

last impression

Beautiful bets "Hungry Earth" and "Cold Blood".

Bello way, nice storyline, good actors all.

I appreciate very much the key in this story, in part, describes how to start a war that breaks out if it burst, always, no matter how many there are ambassadors of peace and no matter how many systems are put in place to prevent it.

Sometimes simply must happen.

In this case the two factions, land and Silurian, clash, despite the Doctor, Amy and other allies seek compromises.

I found very good and this time Matt Smith Gillan also more credible.

The woman who for personal interest, in practice, War, proved to be the person most sordid and squalid was nice although I find it always sides for personal interests. If there is a middle child or loved humanity, for me, it can go to hell. In this case, however, the mother's decision to eliminate the hostage of the other race, albeit in a moment of anger, seemed devoid of any utility and, to be honest, bad for the end of the same woman which was to recover his son.

short, the war comes from those who hold power, certainly, but also by the balls that do not have power and make a lot of crap.

In light of these two episodes I've discovered what for me is wrong with the Doctor.

Or what is, according to taste.

I do not like Matt Smith, I agree, but I do not like the role of the Doctor.

In itself it is also good at reflecting the fact that it is hard not to find a good actor in the ranks of the British.

But I'm watching this new season of Doctor like any science fiction series. And I like having it, except bets on the Angels.

Seen in this way is a series full of good ideas, not always very well developed and carried out by two actors that they perform.

For me this is the Doctor Who and I told lots of times.

Now I understand why.

Some time ago, when it was decided the new Doctor and I saw his face I said to Matt Smith Alexiel regeneration that this be looked at before.

Matt would be the ninth Doctor and would be perfect.

The reference to the past (with both these points, the eighth and ninth, I heard heavy) would be less conflict with everything I had seen before and the public would still be attracted by return of a great character set in a corner for too long.

Then maybe Eccleston.

And then I'd put Tennant.

After .

After not only for his skill, there will be others as good as he is the only mica, but for the quality of the episodes written for him.

You can not expect that after "The end of time" there might be not so much 'impact. Can not be expected because some in the audience not accept it.

I can not do to accept it, because after that experience, after that doctor changed so that this can not be continued.

That's it, but now it is clear that this is fine as well, in the sense that if I continued it was obvious that the Doctor that I had to endure the fact that we could not go from there, it's like Tennant if they got all the things you could tell the doctor and now have to go a little 'back before going forward again.

Moreover I would put the thirteenth Tennant as Doctor, after the last regeneration, as the boom end, but you could hardly expect that Tennant had fifty years to give him the Doctor, was not the same thing. And if history is true of the new 507 regenerations of the Doctor of all this we can talk quietly in the afterlife along with Hartnell and others.

So I decided that this is not my Doctor but the Doctor, that's fine.

The episode ten, one on Vincent Van Gogh, is the first point on which I would say only the best.

Apart from the fact that I thought that Van Gogh had cut off his ear in 1888, while in this episode the Doctor comes in 1890 and it seems to me that the ear is intact ... But anyway I do not give a damn. The plot is already felt, it is true that the Doctor goes to visit a great past, allowing us to see its positive and negative sides and adding to the character's life that bit of nonsense and adventure that only the Doctor can bring.

In this case the note was likely madness of Van Gogh to the creature that the Doctor is facing, seen only by Vincent, the poor, who for obvious reasons, is being held up like mad.

But this episode in my opinion does more than bring the past to know an artist. Doctor's utility shows that perhaps was not so far been explored in full.

Vincent and The Doctor take him to our times, putting it before the greatness of his works, which perfectly echoes greatness still hoping to be able to change the destiny of man who commits suicide to avoid the months later because of her insurmountable depression.

This "Power" of the Doctor too often pushed aside so dangerous, we know that damage has on the special "The Waters of Mars." The fact I now feel betrayed by this idea of the Doctor. Because he knows that the spoilers on the future not have to do and that do not play with time and fixed the events of history.

Yet this scene of Van Gogh who feels a failure and suddenly finds himself in a wing of the museum completely devoted to him is poignant. To me it gives an idea of how it should be an artist. A person who, although aware of its capabilities, is forever grateful and moved by the positive feedback that gives the people every day.

And even more poignant and meaningful is what this trip to the Doctor and Amy get.


Things do not change.

When the two back in the twentieth century the story of Van Gogh is the one that was, however, has taken the lives of 37 years.

seems that these three points have meant much more than even a series like Doctor Who has ever explored.

I missed the point of reflection and introspection, because the Doctor with its capabilities and its means you can reflect on missed opportunities in life, the possibility of changing the destiny and the impossibility, sometimes, to do so. Or perhaps the lack of will to do so.

The eleventh episode "The Lodger" has brought it into a full size fooling around, and what was the view of the seriousness of the previous installments.

Here, too, I missed my doctor, but that Smith made me laugh.

Doctor playing football (rightly Matt Smith knows how to do that, why not put a bet that the highlight? These are always make me a bit 'sad, anyway ...) is quite embarrassing but attempts to do the "normal" human are hilarious.

The fact is that my doctor had made the human more than once and never had problems getting it, I do not understand why the eleventh had to do this whole effort to acclimate.

The episode was funny but ultimately more concerned about the need to temper the atmosphere created by the previous installments and on to outline a pattern acceptable, it all happened too fast and conclusion is even more cursory.

"The Pandora opens" and "Big Bang" was really a nice end to the season.

But because my doctor was suffering from a poor bastard was never right and do not give a while this Doctor here ends all right every time?

Okay, this was a joke, it is easy to do because in fact the general climate that was created by Tennant (ie the end of the season always sad because of a separation) does not exist anymore .

This not only keeps the Doctor, his assistant, but also retrieves dead friends during the trip. How many times has happened to the tenth Doctor? Almost never. He always had to bear removals, disappointments, disappearances and loss of memory.

Always alone and unique in the universe, every time. Maybe that was what fascinated me most of the character.

I'm not saying that Smith is not alone, but for now we say that it has a nice crew, considering that it is re-created a situation of very old series and now i have two mates, one boy and one girl .

I said, however, that the season finale is not at all disappointed.

This also explains why things in the course of the series I was labeled as crap put there to make up the numbers. But no, and I apologize to the authors for having thought.

Certainly not all the explanations are very clear, but I'm not an expert on Cracks in time and space so I'm quiet.

fact no use asking me questions like this, because I just enjoy the show, usually, but the Doctor sets off my "nerdismo" and therefore I wish that I had explained this new principle in Cybermen which can on its own will to expel the body of the car and choose another one. I just could not seem to do it unless you have developed new skills course without give us a share.

River Song has been improved. From the two episodes of the Angels appear to have been taken and restored, returning the beautiful woman of "Silence in the Library" I remembered.

The myth of Pandora, one of my favorites, especially when it is used as a metaphor for the Doctor exits just inside the box.

The Pandora's box containing all the evils of the world and not by chance that the enemies of the Doctor we shut him in there.

But this is the only approach that comes to do with the title of the episode because it actually has little to do then.

I was very touched the terrible nature of the crack in time and space to absorb whatever you remove from history. Especially in the case of a human being, I think one of the saddest things die and not be remembered. What happens to Rory, forgotten two minutes after his death.

It shocked me that the end did Rory in the period between his death and the subsequent meeting with the Doctor and Amy after he wakes up as a Roman soldier who died around the year 100 with all his memories, but with the ability a soldier, being forced to continue living at the time.

will be idiots, but I think this is thrilling. I thought about it some time the possibility of ending up in other realities, or at other times after death. This makes the death even more angociante. Okay I told the Doctor awakens my imagination more than anything else you look or read.

So I welcome the fact that the series for me is broken.

with a doctor I do not know well and I still do not feel appreciated, but at the end of the episode I hoped that he and Amy to meet and for me this is something.


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