Sunday, September 19, 2010

50's Etiquette Dating



The Unbearable Perfection of Truth-Telling [Supernatural]
Dean / Castiel - PG13 - status: 1 / 1
Plot: Dean hated All Those damn chick flick moments. But Castiel continued to whisper words of love and look at him with eyes full of adoration. Dean felt, for the first time, what it was like to be the center of someone's universe.

Ripples [Supernatural]
Gabriel/Dean/Castiel – some NC17, some PG13 - status: 10/10
Summary: In the aftermath of the Apocalypse, Dean has to make a choice. A collection of 10 drabble.

The Perfect Excuse [Supernatural]
Jimmy/Dean - NC17 - status: 1/1
Summary: “ Sex outside? You don’t look the type…”
“You should be particularly aroused for being fucked in a parking lot of broken cars, Dean.”

Projects on going:

The Greatness in small things   [Supernatural]
Dean/Castiel – NC17 - status: 2/6 on going
Plot: Struggling between what he wants and what he can have is leading Dean to make the wrong choices. Castiel is always there, by his side, but eventually he has to come back to heaven and Dean has to cope with the consequences of his actions.
1. On a Mend;
2. Among all destinations

Masterlist ITALIAN Fanfic


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