bets become more beautiful as they are discovered and glimpses of life and experiences of the Doctor even more important because only hinted at.
The relationship between him and Rose gives me infinite tenderness, a sweet girl and very intelligent and impulsive though a creature of only 900 years, but with a wealth of knowledge that can hardly be kept to oneself.
I think the main reason why the Doctor is always in search of a mate is that there are wonders out there who share such is the least that you may want to do.
Sure Rose gives the key to the Tardis to dogs and pigs and cause paradoxes time every time you move, but the Doctor loves to point to forgive her actions on the whole, from which he is being clever, committed by a human being can understand.
Rose tries to revive his father and when we can say to an angry Doctor "is only my father, if living is the problem?" And the Doctor responds with the phrase wonderful. The saying "out there is a human being alive that should not be, you know how this can shake the world?" And think as an opportunity to come into the world is billions, it is also fair to think that to revive a dead person is all right disrupts the flow of time.
The Doctor creates a comic entr'actes amazing with all the males with whom Rose is in contact. He's obviously jealous and treats them all badly.
Starting from her boyfriend who becomes Mickey Mickey the idiot, or when Ricky's name wrong on purpose.
Then there's Adam, the boy met the English in 2012 in a museum of alien artifacts, a fool who deserves a bit at the end 'of the derision of the Doctor.
But the best scenes, of course, are with him ... He
men or women do the same, that if he sings it on like no other because it can, which makes him furious because the Doctor , takes the head.
Jack Harkness.
The two leave to go to an exchange of words that has enlightened me a piece of mind of the Doctor to chew on for some time. I asked "but who the hell can ever come to mind to make a sonic screwdriver? Find something else? "
And here's the explanation served on a silver platter.
Jack: Who has a sonic screwdriver?
Doctor: I do.
Jack: Who looks at a screwdriver and Thinks, "Ooh, This Could be more sonic"?
Doctor: You've Never Been bored? Never Had a long night? Never Had a lot of cabinets to put up?
A mini monologue Rose, among others, hints at a rather intimate relationship between her and the Doctor already built in no time.
Rose (referring to the Doctor): When he's stressed, he likes to insult species. Himself he cuts he does shaving half an hour on life-forms he's cleverer than.
The ambiguous nature of Jack Rose shakes so much that the Doctor is forced to explanations hilarious man, he likes to give as Jack irritates him enough. Poor Captain.
However watching the two episodes that introduced Jack and what he combines the Doctor is easy to understand why he is a little 'balls.
"The Empty Child and The Doctor Dances" two episodes are fantastic. In particular, profoundly affects the final, when the Doctor asks, "Come on. Give me a day like this. Give me this one "maybe God, maybe the universe itself in general, while trying to see if you really, for once, things will go well and everything will end well and ... it happens. Maybe it's an early episode where at the end even the dead are raised and everything settles down. And in fact the Doctor shouts, "Everybody lives!" Smiling and jumping for joy. He is even willing to dance. Sometimes it is nice to the finish "and they all lived happily ever after" and even the Doctor, in 900 years, must not have seen many times so perfect.
Q hen the Doctor goes back in time is always more exciting, at least it is for me because the future is invented and we can say what you want, but the past is there and when it is rebuilt, if not faithfully at least in a plausible manner, is really nice.
And this happens in all the series, the journey into the past is one thing in Doctor Who always gives good results.
Every time you find out more about him and every episode no matter what you do not know him, it only matters what little learning.
in the first episode when the Doctor tells Rose that he felt the earth turn around itself and around the Sun, which for him are not stationary, but move in space to me shudder. It 'a creature who feels damned by loneliness, but living longer than anyone else. He has so much need to share the wonder of the universe does not hesitate to take people who maybe on the Tardis just not quite happy to accommodate.
With Rose okay because chose him (and is the perfect companion in every way, apart from some shit), but not always have ready companions to see and understand what surrounds them, because they're just stupid monkeys (the Doctor will tell often).
Yet the stupid monkeys fascinate the Time Lord over all other creatures: their curiosity, their transience, their ardent passion ...
The relationship between the Doctor Rose is special right away.
There are few people who have been so important for the doctor (for what little I know of the old Sarah Jane perhaps only). I love the Doctor
humans always underneath it, because it seems that the Time Lords can regenerate a bit 'in any creature, but the Doctor always chooses to be human (even if this thing is not very clear as during the regeneration the Doctor considering how to become, perhaps it can control up to a certain point).
Many times the doctor will say that the Earth is defended and protected, so in some way, although there are often stupid and evil, I believe that the Doctor almost always choose his friends from Earth just because and loves our ability to excite.
Indeed, even the most important relationship is with the Doctor that Rose, in my experience is so completely changed compared to a normal loving relationship.
Here, I find that those two are love, as I understand it and how I think it should be.
choose to be together not because we do not know what else to do or why you are getting old and can not be alone, but because you could be with two thousand other people, in two thousand two thousand other places to do other things instead you're right there with that person, because you can not give it up, because it is with those who want to stay.
Rose cares little about the fact that the Doctor is immortal (well this thing will be seen over time), she wants him and he, a creature with no time if she chose to have his reasons.
Eccleston is very good, but what I think is the ultimate expression Tennant is the Doctor.
Actor David Tennant looked at the Doctor as a child (the series with the regeneration of Davison) and chose to be an actor saying, three years, "I want to play the Doctor Who". One particular way
can not but have done a great job.
And with him the inner torment of the Doctor will be clear.
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