Title: Shonen Hetalia Axis - Love
Author: missmyv on LJ - NatsumiYuu on EFP.
Fandom: Axis Power Hetalia
Pairing: Ludwig / Feliciano - Germany v Italy
Raiting: PG
Complete?: Yes
Notes: meaningless. Like other D:
Despite Feliciano does not stand out intelligence was weak, and extremely funny pasta maniac, Ludwig had come to affezzionarvici.
beginning, was nothing more than a nuisance. A boy who pursued him inept and annoying everywhere continuously praising the virtues of his country, bored with the typical dishes from each region of his beloved Italy and always talk about her brother and her grandfather. Ludwig, actually, just hated the young Italian as much as he adored the German Fel. But then things were dramatically (?) Changed.
Ludwig had driven Feliciano, annoyed and angry, sent by Alfred, in America. In the letter to the American, wrote that he was tired of being a babysitter to a "moron able to eat only pasta .
But soon he realized he had made a mistake. The German had started to feel alone, to miss Italian, a great longing of his chatter endlessly and feeling her warm body to his bed when he was a bad dream.
So he went himself to Alfred to take it back - this can be rather rude, among other things - telling him clearly that would no longer be bothered by the boy because it would have been too busy annoy him.
And from that day were enough to finish it takes only a few months so ... Nudes and sleeping sweetly in the Latvian German.
- - -
Ludwig gently stroked her cheek with happiness, smiling soon. The wrapped an arm around the waist and if it came with a sigh.
"Nh ..." She muttered Fel embracing the German, while beginning to wake up.
"Luuud ~ 'whispered the Italian voice thick with sleep, hugging the blond who had taken to stroke his hair' E 'day already?"
"Yes , and for some time. It 'amazing how you manage to sleep! "
" I was tired, "She giggled, blushing when the Moor.
"Oh, lo so» Ghignò il tedesco «E molto bene♥».
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