Friday, April 16, 2010

Outlets In Watertown Ny

Prompt! The answers!

Mercy survivors
Written by: [info] sepherim_ml
Beta reader: [info] leliwen
Prompt: "O slow lens currie noctis equi" (Dr. Faust - Marlowe)
Prompt by: [info] weeping_ice
Fandom: Harry Potter
Paringa: Lucius M. / Harry P.
Genre: Angst
Warning: slash

Plot: Lucius, you do not have survived it weighs?

A / N: Slowly take over all the outstanding issues ... I promise! XD
First Potty-Hiss, and then so on! XD Unfortunately

taken by super busy schedule, I did not even have time to eat properly, let alone sleep, so I'll be a bit 'slow with the updates ... XD But there are and will be there again! In response to the request of