you were 5:10 7 luglio 2008.
Dopo esserci svegliati alle 4.30, a seguito di ripetuti Rumori coming from the apartment above us, a couple of times I shouted "Stop!", "We need to sleep, now exacerbated by a situation that has lasted for more than a month.
My husband and I feel cruel at 5:00 to leave the house, then I took the opportunity to speak once again repeated that they felt the noise from our apartment, saying, "Please enough, we must sleep, you can not make so much mess at 4:30 in the morning. "
Cruella he replied: "It is not possible, you can not have heard anything."
And I said, 'What? I tell you is that we hear noises from 4:30.. "
Cruella continued unabated, with staring eyes, as if there was no light of reason that flowed into her, saying: "No, no, no ..." shaking his head.
Then came my husband trying to calm people, because she was attacking me with words, continuing to repeat that we could not have heard anything until you get there, witness my husband to say Betting phrases as: "The noises they make you, doing those things" (perhaps alluding to the occasion sexual), and "I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid ..." "... you have problems."
I then said "there are not exactly the ghosts," and she "will have you in the house ghost ...."
Meanwhile my husband held me tight, protect me and caused me to return home.
I was scared, I continued to tremble ...
Even now I feel like writing anxiety in the pit of the stomach, inside of me a tremor that does not go away.
E 'for a month we try to talk to the family Noir, in a civilized manner, saying that you can not wake up every day (including Saturdays and Sundays) at 6:00, or earlier in the morning because they begin to do the housework, to move the beds, with the "sockets" to which every movement is amplified in our apartment.
There were more cases then I start to fear for my safety and that of my husband.
For example the other day my husband was called to the office, on the phone because the family Noir said that did not worked the phone line to our fault, for "serious damage" (they said) that we had caused us.
also stated that if we were not able to fix the line, the "principle" would have to remove ours.
Unfortunately, there were more cases of "strange", which now increasingly beginning to repeat themselves and are independent from our will.
few months ago, I recall, about April, I was home sick, cruel and continued to buzz with a pretext or another, and even asked me to follow it in the garage because "no idea what might be, someone had entered."
Again with fear, I was home alone, I followed her and someone told me that in the meantime, she said, slept in the garage, but we do not realize it had cut the cord and the clergy, when it was established that had inadvertently been cut to the closing of the door of garage.
One day, in addition, there were also our friends for lunch, he called my husband in the garden, saying he was talking about "important things".
said there were people who wanted them badly, and as we now under one roof, we had to fear. Then he went on making vague, saying he had noticed several times that they lack money and items in the house, and other things "strange" and not covered.
These are situations that remind you at this time, but only some of that happened about six months now.
Situations "strong" that increase fear and dread in me, in front of people who do not reason, indeed, making speeches uneven and does not allow us in particular, against a rent we pay regularly, be quiet, to live a peaceful life in our apartment.
my desire and my husband is to have a child one day, we feel a natural desire to grow within us.
But how dare we take forward our need this if we ourselves do not feel safe?
We respect the people versus the next, best, always available, it is not right ... this limitation of freedom, and even happiness that is being imposed by the Lords Noir.
I this morning at 5:00, in which the debate is on, I begin to have more fear for my life, being that my husband comes late in the evening, and I can not predict behavior Noir of the family, especially her daughter, Cruella.