Saturday, January 31, 2004

What Do Dg's Do For Initiation

the face of modesty ..

(In the background: Depeche mode_Surrender)

For the series ... the face of modesty ... read below ...

Berlin Wall: Hasselhoff This
The actor had contributed to the fall -

The proper recognition for those who have contributed to the fall of the Berlin Wall? Minimum, to hang his picture in a museum commemorating the event. It is convinced David Hasselhoff. The actor, who claims to have facilitated the country's union with the notes of a song, brought a complaint to the curators of the exhibition, guilty for having forgotten him. Condemned because to go down in history only for the muscles sported in Baywatch!
When he crossed the threshold of the Berlin Museum, the first thing he did was go through all the walls. Seek your own pictures. But David Hasselhoff when he realized he had cycled all the perimeter of the museum and has not recognized any picture, you blurted out: "Why, not even myself ????"

Yeah, because if you only remember him all the acrobatic saves the swimmers of California in which for years has been launched by lifeguards wearing the red suit, go down in history for the plaintiff relied on many other businesses. It appears to have actively contributed to the fall of the Berlin Wall. "In 1989 I helped to unite the country, singing in front of millions of German fans at the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin," he told the German magazine Spielfilm. The credit would be all "Looking for Freedom, with which David would have" pushed the people from one part of wall ".

" After my performance I took some pieces of the wall: the largest I kept them for me, others I have distributed to my colleagues at Baywatch, "he said. Hasselhoff is still carrying a grudge. "Many Americans joke about my popularity in Germany. But they have no idea what a beautiful country is and how rich their culture. I love him are all nice to me, I received a lot of flowers. "Yeah, but even a photo ...

What do you think?

Tuesday, January 20, 2004

Yamaha Phazer Idle Adjustment

fioriblu @ 2004-01-21T20: 33:00

will be for the effect of cortisone, my neurons will be crazy, but tonight I stranissimo.Se had a dream there's some brilliant psychiatrist among my readers, I hope to find an explanation ..

So ... It all happens in a way .. I'm sleeping on a boundary wall of a building .. Beyond the wall, through a 'railing, see all the buildings that make up the building, in front of me, a sarabande of strange people, with faces half way between the Mexicans with big mustache (like that guy with the gun always chasing bugs bunny ..) and the greek theater masks, pulling explosive balls, similar to palledi native red and blue ..

this strange figure walking through my front, pulling balls on all the surrounding buildings .. till you arrive in front of me and my wall .. one of the balls and throw at me .. I heard the explosion and saw a profusion of color .. and then .. .. I turn the wall and the railing are destroyed .. has opened up a gap ..

..... what do you think?

now .. and jelly!